Salt Lake City

Housing Stability Division

801-535-7712 |

Federal Grants FY24-25 CDBG, HOME, HOPWA and ESG


Salt Lake City accepts applications from local nonprofits to receive federal grants designed to help with a range of community development needs on an annual basis. The grant applications window is open for 30 days every fall. These grants can include affordable and emergency housing assistance, homeless shelter assistance, staffing support for agencies, and housing assistance for individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS. 

This annual endeavor is a key funding source for many nonprofits doing important work in helping those in need of housing.

For more information about any of these grant programs and how it is used here in Salt Lake City contact:

Dennis Rutledge
Community Development Grant Supervisor
801-535-7716 |

Applications are for the following annual U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant programs: CDBG, ESG, HOME, HOPWA HOME-ARP and CDBG-CV. The application period for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 is closed.

All applications must be in alignment with goals and objectives outlined in Salt Lake City’s Housing Plan, and the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. If you apply for a Salt Lake City federal grant, your application must meet at least one of these 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan Goals.

For additional details about the application process for FY24-25 federal grants, please consult the FY24-25 Federal Grant Application Handbook. Remaining questions can be directed to Dennis Rutledge.

Salt Lake City Corporation is committed to ensuring we are accessible to all members of the public to review and provide comments to publicly noticed information. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals with disabilities, all racial and ethnic populations, and non-English speaking individuals. To request Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations, contact Ashley Lichtle by email at or by phone at 801.535.7697. Over the phone TTY relay services are available by dialing 7-1-1. For non-English speaking individuals, contact Xris Macias by email at, or by phone at 385.622.3093.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a powerful tool that empowers people to create viable urban communities through a comprehensive and flexible source of federal funds. This annual allocation help develop healthy, sustainable, and vibrant communities by:

  • Providing for safe, affordable housing opportunities;
  • Expanding economic opportunities;
  • Investing in social service programs;
  • and more

Since the inception of the program in 1974, Salt Lake City has received this valuable resource every year. Between 1989 – 2017, Salt Lake City has invested over $125 million dollars, and generated over $22 million in program income revenues.

National program information can be found here.

CDBG Target Area

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

The Emergency Solutions Grant program is designed to assist with the growing needs surrounding homelessness. This tool empowers cities like ours to address the following needs of our community:

    • Street Outreach: engage homeless individuals and families living on the street or in unsafe spaces
    • Emergency Shelter Operations: improve the number of shelters and quality of shelters for homeless individuals and families; help operate shelters; provide essential services to those staying in shelter
    • Homelessness Prevention: prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless
    • Rapid Re-Housing Assistance: help families and individuals quickly become re-housed after experiencing homelessness
    • Data Collection: participate in state-wide data collection systems to evaluate systems and funding mechanisms

National program information can be found here.

Since the inception of the program in 1990, Salt Lake City has received this valuable resource every year. Between 1990 – 2017, Salt Lake City has invested over $5.2 million dollars to support those in our community facing the difficult position of being temporarily homeless.

HOME Investments and Partnerships Program (HOME)

The HOME program is the only grant program the City receives that focuses wholly on affordable housing. Using our community non-profit  and for- profit housing development partners, the City has been able to address some of the affordable housing needs of our communities. These funds are available to be used for a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people.

This is the largest Federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households. More national program information can be found here.

Since the inception of the program in 1992, Salt Lake City has received this valuable resource every year. Between 1992 – 2017, Salt Lake City has invested over $29 million dollars, and generated over $12 million in program income revenues.

*In an effort to create maximum impact, the City is interested in speaking with community based non-profit organizations and for-profit housing developers that may be eligible to use this funding source to create affordable housing. Click on Housing Development Resources to learn more.

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)

The HOPWA grant is the only federal program dedicated to the housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Since its inception in 1992, more than $1.27 billion has been used to help thousands of people who face severe challenges in meeting person, medical and housing costs during their illness. This assistance helps them and their families avoid homelessness by addressing housing needs with access to medical and other necessary care.

More national program information can be found here.

Since the inception of the program in 2001, Salt Lake City has received this valuable resource every year. Between 2001- 2017, Salt Lake City has provided over $6 million dollars in housing assistance, case management, and supportive services to qualified individuals and families.

2023-2024 Federal Funding Recommendations

The total funds available to support affordable housing efforts, provide public service programs, and improve neighborhoods through a variety of programs and projects during the 2023-2024 program year is $8,937,365.

2023-2024 CDCIP/Mayor Funding Recommendations

Federal Grant Application Process

Once a year, Housing Stability will make available grant applications for the following year. Applications are available online through ZoomGrants, an online grant management system. Potential applicants are highly encouraged to attend an application workshop (in person, or available online) to ensure the best possible application is submitted.

Applications are made available in the fall, and are open for approximately 30 days. Application workshop events will be held around the date the applications are made available. To be made aware of grant news via email, contact Dennis Rutledge at

Once the application window closes, the funding award process begins with a City staff review of applications to determine eligibility, and a scoring process to rank alignment with the 5 Year Consolidated Plan (see community impact tab), and other community initiatives. After applications are reviewed/scored by staff, they are reviewed and scored by a citizen advisory board. At the completion of the process, the board submits funding recommendations to the Mayor for consideration. After careful evaluation, the Mayor submits funding recommendations that are provided, along with citizen advisory board recommendations, to the City Council for their consideration and appropriation.

The City Council holds a public hearing in order to provide an additional opportunity for public input on the projects proposed for funding.  Applications recommended for funding by the citizen advisory board and Mayor will not necessarily receive an award, as the availability of funding is limited. Following the public hearing and several briefings on the applications, the City Council adopts their funding recommendations and formally approves the projects/programs that will receive funding. Funds awarded can be for the full or partial amount requested. Funding decisions by the City Council are subject to approval by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Income Limits for Program Recipients

HOME, CDBG, and HOPWA all use the HOME HUD income limits for program recipients. Please refer to the fiscal year 2022-2023 numbers that are effective 07/01/2022

ESG income limits for program recipients can be found here.
Please refer to the fiscal year 2021-2022 numbers that were effective as of 04/01/2022