Salt Lake City


801-535-6630 |

McClelland Shared Street (Phase 2a of the McClelland Trail)

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The McClelland Shared Street (Phase 2a of the McClelland Trail) is complete!

Project Overview

The McClelland Trail is a comfortable route for walking and bicycling between residential neighborhoods, recreational opportunities, shopping destinations, and community gathering places. Phase 1 of the McClelland Trail was completed first, between 800 South and 2100 South.

The project called “McClelland Shared Street Phase 2a” transformed the two blocks of the trail along McClelland Street, from 2100 South to Sugarmont Avenue, in the core of the Sugar House Business District. This phase (2a) implemented “soft improvements” that did not require a complete rebuild of the street, such as:

  • Landscaping
  • Signage
  • Outdoor dining
  • A narrower roadway
  • More crosswalks

The end result is a pedestrian-scale, low-speed, more beautiful place to be, rather than just a place to drive and park. This is especially important to the success and happiness of the businesses, patrons, and hundred of families that are located, visit, or live on these blocks.

The City thanks all who have expressed their desire for such a change. These desires were recorded in the Sugar House Master Plan, the Circulation and Streetscape Amenities Plan for the Sugar House Business District (2013), the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal Trail Implementation Plan (2013), the Fairmont Park Concept Plan, the Salt Lake City Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan (2015), and surveys and dozens and dozens of meetings in this multi-year process (see links and downloads at the bottom of this page).

An application by the Sugar House Community Council in 2018 and the support of the City Council for CIP funding ($500,000) in 2019, especially, have made this project’s construction possible.

Additional Resources

Concept Plan

Concept Plan

In 2020, the City and GSBS Architects developed a Concept Plan that combines all of the feedback received in a visual representation of the street’s redesign. The concept plan was presented to the public for comment in summer of 2020.

Phase 2 Concept Plan for McClelland Street

Past Master Plans

Past master plans support improvements to McClelland Street in order to enhance Sugar House and connect the McClelland Trail.

Contact Us

Project Manager | Jeff Gulden

Email |

Project Email |

Phone | 801-535-6630

For more information about other active McClelland Trail projects, visit the McClelland Trail and Neighborhood Street Livability Improvements page. The project seeks calming traffic on neighborhood streets and McClelland Trail crossings between Harrison and Bryan Avenues.

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