Salt Lake City

Housing Stability Division

801-535-7712 |

SUCCESS STORIES: CDBG-Funding, Donated Dental Services, and 2023 Project Homeless Connect

SUCCESS STORIES: CDBG-Funding, Donated Dental Services, and 2023 Project Homeless Connect

March 23, 2023

Reflecting on their 2023 Project Homeless Connect event, the development director of Salt Lake Donated Dental Services had this to say.

I had the humbling opportunity to attend Project Homeless Connect at the Salt Palace on March 24, 2023. What an amazing community event! Everywhere I looked, homeless community members (ranging from 80 years to 3 weeks old) were receiving services they normally do not have access to and cannot afford. Some were receiving haircuts. Others were learning how to sign up for benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid. To me, the most significant service provided at Project Homeless Connect was the free dental care.

As I visited with participants, countless individuals told me of the oral pain they were experiencing, and how grateful they were to finally find some relief. One 60-year-old man shared that this was his first time attending Project Homeless Connect. His difficulty started when he lost his job last year, which resulted in the loss of his home. He’s found it difficult to obtain decent employment in his field due to his age. He was in awe of the support being offered to others like him through this community event. While he sat waiting for a free dental exam, he told me of his friend who was having several teeth extracted. Both were thankful for the volunteers willing to spend time helping them.

The dental care services were largely organized, staffed and sponsored by Salt Lake Donated Dental Services in partnership with Roseman College of Dental Medicine and Fortis College. Dozens of volunteer dental professionals and staff members throughout Utah’s communities came together and gave of their time and expertise to care for those who were in desperate need of free dental care. As I watched and participated in the day’s activities, I could not help but feel proud of my community for the way they were taking care of one another.

All client names have been changed. All stories and photos shared on the Housing Stability Division website are shared with permission. If you wish to submit your own success story, or for more information on multimedia release authorizations, you can email, or call 801-535-7712.

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