Salt Lake City

Housing Stability Division

801-535-7712 |

Fair Housing Month April 2023

Fair Housing Month April 2023

The following was publicized by Salt Lake City for the Fair Housing Month 2023.

On Thursday, April 20, 2023, Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall marked the 55th anniversary of the passage of the Federal Fair Housing Act by proclaiming April Fair Housing Month in Salt Lake City. The text of this proclamation is as follows:

WHEREAS, April marks the 55th anniversary of the passage of Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, commonly known as the Federal Fair Housing Act, which seeks to eliminate discrimination in housing opportunities and to affirmatively further housing choices for all Americans; and

WHEREAS, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has declared April to be “Fair Housing Month,” with the theme of “Choices for All Voices: Building an Equitable Future”; and

WHEREAS, Salt Lake City welcomes this opportunity join the Federal Government and state and local jurisdictions across America in this celebration of the rich diversity of our people and the right of all citizens to live where they choose without fear of discrimination, regardless of: race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, and national origins; and

WHEREAS, Salt Lake City upholds and works to expand housing rights through the Mayor’s Office of Equity and Inclusion, the City’s Americans With Disabilities Committee, the Community and Neighborhoods Department, the SLC Redevelopment Agency, and all other City housing entities; and

WHEREAS, as an Entitlement Municipality that receives HUD funding, Salt Lake City is held to high levels of accountability when it comes to the tracking of equity in HUD programs administered by the City. Additionally, Salt Lake City has conducted a Fair Housing Equity Assessment and Analysis of Impediments that informs the City’s HUD-funded plans, projects, and activities; and

WHEREAS, Salt Lake City implemented in 2017, Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan, with the guiding principle to create an equitable city by ensuring access to all city amenities for all citizens while treating everyone equitably with fairness, justice, and respect, and as, Salt Lake City is working to complete a new five-year housing plan, Housing SLC, which will seek to promote a city where housing is ample and affordable, tenants are protected, and historic patterns of segregation and discrimination are reversed through goals to increase affordable housing, improve tenant resources, and expand ownership opportunities throughout the city.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Erin Mendenhall, Mayor of Salt Lake City, in my commitment to geographic equity, inclusion and belonging, do hereby proclaim April 2023, as:


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