Salt Lake City

Housing Stability Division

801-535-7712 |

SUCCESS STORIES: CRAG Funding, Wasatch Community Gardens, and Brandi

SUCCESS STORIES: CRAG Funding, Wasatch Community Gardens, and Brandi


Brandi, a recent Green Team participant, became “Farmily” after she graduated from the Job Training Program in June 2024. She joined the team in late February and was working to overcome a number of barriers including a complicated reunification plan through the Department of Child and Protective Services (DCFS), substance use rehabilitation and new medications, trauma and grief, and more general work barriers like time management and remaining in the present. Throughout her time with the
Green Team, she continued to find new tools and strategies to keep herself arriving on time each morning, increase communication with staff members when it came to expressing her needs, and find courage when it came to advocating for herself in her legal battles. Her overall attitude shifted, and at the end of the season, she expressed that the work on the farm was physically healing and she had used the skills learned and practiced during the program in numerous aspects of her life.

Because of her superior work ethic and WCG’s need to move their farm to a new location, they offered Brandi the opportunity to join the Agricultural Operations team in a limited, temporary capacity. This opportunity also serves as continued professional development, as she was accepted to the Women in Trades program, a trade-specific job training program that supports the education and job placement of women into high paying trades careers. Through this continued employment with WCG, she will gain additional practice and relevant hands-on experience with building farm infrastructure, setting up irrigation, and using power tools.

All client names have been changed. All stories and photos shared on the Housing Stability Division website are shared with permission. If you wish to submit your own success story, or for more information on multimedia release authorizations, you can email, or call 801-535-7712.

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