The State of Salt Lake City Housing Investment
January 28, 2025
Following Mayor Erin Mendenhall’s State of the City address Tuesday night, Salt Lake City has published a navigation summary page for the public to learn more about current ways Salt Lake City is investing in affordable housing. The Housing Investment webpage provides links to several current housing-related data dashboards, as well as the new local housing navigator resource, the Tenant Resource Center. You can also check out the Affordable Housing Construction and Preservation Dashboard, one of the resources recently created to track development projects in the city.
You can watch the Mayor’s full address on the SLCtv YouTube link, or read the written text of her address.
For additional information on housing-related data, please visit the Housing Stability Data page. For questions about housing work in Salt Lake City, feel free to reach out to the Housing Stability Division of Salt Lake City at housingstability@slc.gov or 801-535-7712.