Salt Lake City

Housing Stability Division

801-535-7712 |

SUCCESS STORIES: CDBG-Funding, Donated Dental Services, and Jason

SUCCESS STORIES: CDBG-Funding, Donated Dental Services, and Jason

December 27, 2021

Jason, a retiree, was able to get the care he needed from Donated Dental Services. He describes the program like this:

I’m writing this letter to thank the staff and doctors at Donated Dental for the courteous and comforting care they gave me. Now that I’m retired the only health care benefits I receive are from Social Security. My income is fixed and not enough to pay for additional health care services. In Salt Lake City there are limited resources if a person needs dental care.

I found myself in this situation two years ago. I have faithfully followed good oral hygiene, but major health problems and unfavorable genetics combined to contribute to poor oral health.

Donated Dental Services offers oral care to persons like myself by organizing the services of Dentists who donate their time to the community of Salt Lake City. Both staff and doctors are courteous, hospitable and provide a clinic where patients feel at ease. I have watched the staff work patiently with patients who need additional explanations. Never have I felt uneasy or undeserving. The opposite is true. The staff has been welcoming and respectful.

All client names have been changed. All stories and photos shared on the Housing Stability Division website are shared with permission. If you wish to submit your own success story, or for more information on multimedia release authorizations, you can email, or call 801-535-7712.

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