SUCCESS STORIES: CRAG Funding, Fit to Recover, and Sandra
Sandra told her experience of entering the Fit to Recover program as one of finding her people.
Not long ago I sheepishly walked through the orange door at Fit to Recover. Having heard of this gym for people in recovery and procrastinating for weeks I finally got up the guts to check it out. The very first smiling faces I saw were Kristin and James. All I wanted was a little tour of the place and figured it wouldn’t be for me. Within 2 minutes I realized I was wrong. I had stumbled upon something special. The energy I felt echoed the logo on the orange door- “Just breathe, you’re safe.” In very short order I knew I had found the community I needed.
943 days ago I made a decision to stop drinking. For good this time. I had been heavily abusing alcohol on the daily for the past 35 years. Progressively getting worse and worse and sicker and sicker I knew I had to stop or I was going to die. I didn’t know about treatment or rehab. All I knew about was AA and for me, it was not a good fit. I read a book called “Quit like a Woman” and began the journey of sobriety. Alone. I foolishly white knuckled through withdrawal and cravings while completely lost and unsupported. Nobody thought I could do it. I had nobody cheering for me. Addiction took my marriage, I lost my home and everything I had worked so hard for. At 52 years old I was sleeping on a floor in an empty apartment alone, scared … but- not drinking. It took some time but eventually I found some help. First with SMART recovery and now with FTR.
Everybody’s sobriety journey is unique, but what isn’t unique is the need for connection from people who “get it.” When I come to FTR whether for exercise, cooking or for a support group I feel like I have found “my people.” I feel understood, appreciated and seen. Through the unrelenting encouragement of the coaches, to my new friends cheering me on when I’m attempting a push up, I can feel love and genuine care. Thank you FTR for being a very important piece of my sobriety and wellness puzzle. I’m so glad I found you!
All client names have been changed. All stories and photos shared on the Housing Stability Division website are shared with permission. If you wish to submit your own success story, or for more information on multimedia release authorizations, you can email, or call 801-535-7712.