Salt Lake City

Public Lands Department

Be Wild: Hiking

Hiking in the Foothills

Learn more about how to Be WILD in the Foothills as a hiker or runner.

Stay on Designated Trails

Avoid trail widening/braiding: walk single file on single track trails, refrain from cutting switchbacks or walking through open spaces
When yielding to other trail users step off to the side of the trail and wait for the other user to pass. Do not walk off-trail to pass others.

Pay Attention

While using multi-use trails, stay aware of your surroundings to ensure you can hear other users who may be approaching you.
Take note of trail signage and learn about the trails you are using and the areas you are traveling through. In case of an emergency, your location and area trail names could be valuable information.

Don’t Travel on Muddy Trails

Hiking on muddy trails causes deep ruts to form, which harden when the trail dries out. These ruts require extensive maintenance to fix and create choppy, bumpy trails, which degrades the trail experience.
Know before you go! Check trail conditions before heading out on foot, especially in the winter and spring seasons, which are typically our wettest.

Salt Lake City Park Ranger Program

Park Rangers can provide more information about how to Be W.I.L.D. They’ll help connect you with volunteer opportunities, interesting ranger-led educational events, can answer questions about trail and park etiquette, and will welcome you to new spaces in your neighborhood.