Salt Lake City

Public Lands Department

Be Wild Foothills

Be W.I.L.D. Foothills

Celebrate the beauty of our Foothills while fostering community connection and responsibility.

W — Welcome

Explore and enjoy the Foothills

The Foothills Natural Area welcomes hikers, bikers, runners, and four-legged friends to its trails and natural areas. How can you make all users feel welcome in the Foothills?

  • Stay on designated, signed trails at all times.
  • Keep dogs on leash at all times and pick up/pack out your dog’s waste. Many trailheads have waste bags and trash cans.
  • Smile and say hello to other users!
  • Know before you go. Check our Trail Conditions page for up-to-date trail information and avoid muddy trails to preserve the health of trail surfaces.

I — Inclusive Spaces

Our Public Lands are for everyone to share

Be aware and respectful of all visitors when visiting the Foothills.

  • Know when to yield: bikes should yield to those on foot; downhill bikes should yield to uphill bikes. Everyone should yield to children.
  • Keep dogs on leash at all times. Not all trail users are comfortable with having an encounter with an off-leash dog.

L — Limit Your Impact

Be aware of the impact of your feet, wheels, and paws

We are visitors in the Foothills. Let’s leave them better than we found them.

  • Stay on designated trails to avoid eroding the landscape, spreading invasive weeds, and causing the need for maintenance and repair.
  • Pack it out. Pack out dog waste and trash, and consider picking up just one piece of trash you find along the way. Small gestures make a big difference.

D — Do What You Can

We can all do our part through volunteering and stewardship

Are you interested in giving back to the Foothills? Foothills volunteers and stewards help remove invasive weeds, clean up trailheads, and do light trail maintenance. Visit our stewardship page for information and sign up for the Foothills newsletter to receive volunteer opportunities.

Learn more ways to Be W.I.L.D. in the Foothills

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Learn more about the Salt Lake City Foothills

Visit the Foothills homepage to learn more about current projects, trails, and future plans.

Salt Lake City Park Ranger Program

Park Rangers can provide more information about how to Be W.I.L.D. They’ll help connect you with volunteer opportunities, interesting ranger-led educational events, can answer questions about trail and park etiquette, and will welcome you to new spaces in your neighborhood.