Salt Lake City


Planning Division | (801) 535-7700 |

Northpoint Light Industrial (M-1A) Zoning District

*The original proposal was called the “M-3” zone but has been changed to “M-1A”.

Northpoint Light Industrial ( M-1A) Zoning District*

Petition Number: PLNPCM2024-00333

Application Type: Zoning Text Amendment

Project Location: Northpoint Small Area Plan Boundary

Zoning District: Proposed new Northpoint Light Industrial (M-1A) Zoning District

Council District: District 1, represented by Victoria Petro

Salt Lake City Council initiated a zoning text amendment to create a new Northpoint Light Industrial M-1A Zoning District. The proposed text amendment is intended to establish a new zoning district that aligns with the goals, policies, future land use recommendations, and vision established in the Northpoint Small Area Plan. This includes providing an environment for light industrial, office, and research uses, while reducing the impact on adjacent residential and agricultural properties. The proposed zoning district includes several design standards for new development, building size restrictions, and open space preservation incentives to meet the vision of the Northpoint Small Area Plan.

The creation of this new zone does not automatically rezone any property. Instead, it offers an additional option for those who may wish to opt into it voluntarily and choose to go through the process to rezone their property. A property’s current zoning designation remains unchanged unless a property owner actively chooses to undergo the rezoning process.

Please note that the proposed Northpoint Light Industrial Zoning District includes a no-development buffer from the Jordan River but does not include the buffer from wetlands and canals identified in the Northpoint Small Area Plan. The Riparian Corridor Overlay Zone will be amended to include those buffers and it will go through a separate public review and adoption process at a later date.

View the Latest Draft // Northpoint Light Industrial M-1A Zoning District

The Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing concerning this matter on June 12, 2024.

Project Location

Next Steps

  • Notice of this application has been sent to the Chair of the Westpointe Community Council, where the property is located, who may choose to schedule the matter at an upcoming meeting. Please contact the chair(s) of these organizations to determine whether a community council will review this petition and when and how that meeting will occur. The contact information is as follows:
  • Notice has also been sent to property owners and residents within the Northpoint Small Area Plan boundary to obtain public input and comments on the proposal. Notified parties are given a 45-day period to respond before a public hearing with the Planning Commission can be scheduled.
  • During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.
  • The Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing concerning this matter on June 12, 2024.
  • The City Council will hold an additional public hearing and will make the final decision on the matter.

Past Engagement Opportunities

The Planning Division hosted the following in-person Open Houses and solicited comments on this project.

  • Open House #1: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 from 6:00 – 7:00 PM at the Mosquito Abatement District located at 2215 N 2200 W.
  • Open House #2: Thursday, May 16, 2024 from 6:00 – 7:00 PM at the Mosquito Abatement District located at 2215 N 2200 W.

What is the role of the Planning Staff in this process?

Planning Staff processes the application, communicates with the applicant to understand the project, and seeks input from the community.

Public Comments and Questions

We want to hear from you! To submit a comment or question please contact the staff planner via email or leave a voicemail, your questions will be answered within a week after the comment period has ended.

  • Start of Comment Period: April 1, 2024
  • End of Comment Period: May 15, 2024

During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable zoning standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.

Assigned Planners:

Krissy Gilmore, Senior Planner // // 801.535.7780

Andy Hulka, Principal Planner // // 801.535.6608

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