Salt Lake City HUD Consolidated Plan Survey is LIVE
May 13, 2024
We want your input! Salt Lake City is collecting information on the things that everyone is talking about: affordable housing, homelessness, and where to prioritize infrastructure investment. Community members who wish to provide recommendations on community funding needs may complete the survey linked below. The City will be collecting survey responses from Monday, May 13 to October 13, 2024. The results of this survey will help determine funding priorities for the next five-year planning cycle (FY 2025-2030) for U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grants to the City. These priorities will be incorporated into the City’s Consolidation plan, which is used to identify the city’s needs and goals for implementing HUD funding.
The survey will take 7 minutes to complete. No identifying information is collected, and all survey responses are anonymous. Questions on the survey may be directed to the City’s Engagement Team or the Housing Stability Division team. Contact information is linked in the survey.