General Obligation Bond
Salt Lake City voters approved the SLC Parks Bond in November 2022. Public Lands has created a more detailed plan for bond project completion (see schedule below). Sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay informed about Bond-funded and all other projects and Department happenings.
View 2022 Information Materials
In November 2022, 71% of Salt Lake City (“City”) voters voted to approve the $85 million Parks, Trails and Open Space General Obligation (GO) Bond. These bonds will be paid back through an increase in property taxes over the course of 20 years. Bond funding provides the opportunity to invest in and enhance the public lands system. The City plans to build 19 significant projects across the City (see list below).
The bond projects were identified through public input, the priorities expressed in the Reimagine Nature Public Lands Master Plan (2022), preliminary polling data, geographic distribution, equity in level of service across the City, Mayor Mendenhall’s goals, and City Council input.
All bond-funded projects include comprehensive community engagement to determine final design and implementation plans. Before any park, trail, or open space is re-designed or rebuilt, the City will ask for community feedback to understand how each project can help these public spaces better serve our neighborhoods. Public input, master plans, and best practices will be used to inform decisions for each project and determine how improvements are prioritized.
Benefits of the Open Space General Obligation (GO) Bond
- Create new parks and renovate existing parks, particularly in neighborhoods with few green spaces to play.
- Add the City’s first regional park since the 1950s.
- Increase community identity and asset quality in at least one neighborhood park per City Council district.
- Improve degraded waterways to enhance water quality, pollinator habitat, and migratory nesting grounds.
- Improve trail connectivity.
- Increase the City’s tree canopy and plant biodiversity, and restore natural landscapes in parks and open spaces that use less water and are adapted to our arid climate.
Project Information
Refer to the voter information packet for specific information about which projects are included in the Parks, Trails, and Open Space General Obligation Bond. The links below provide information about current projects. Some projects have not yet begun, and do not have detailed project pages.

Project List
- Reimagine Neighborhood Parks, Trails or Open Space. Websites are available for active park projects.