Salt Lake City


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Electric Vehicle Readiness Ordinance

The City Council voted to adopt the electric vehicle readiness update to the Off-Street Parking Ordinance on April 4, 2023. Learn more on the City Council webpage.

Ordinance Scope: Update the City’s regulations to include requirements for electric vehicle ready (EV-ready) infrastructure for multi-family properties:

  • Provide a minimum of 20% EV-ready parking spaces installed on-site.
  • EV-ready parking spaces shall have electrical conduit and sufficient electrical capacity for the future use of a minimum 200 volt electric vehicle charging station. “EV-ready” parking spaces do not require an installed charging station.

The EV-ready requirement is in addition to the existing EVSE-related requirement of 1 electric vehicle charging station per 25 required parking spaces for multi-family properties.

Benefits of EV Readiness Policy:

Electric vehicle readiness infrastructure provides several benefits to Salt Lake City’s urban landscape. Providing residential charging infrastructure helps to increase electric vehicle adoption by removing charging barriers common in typical multifamily construction. EV adoption is also important for reducing impacts to Salt Lake City’s wintertime inversion and associated air quality issues, as electric vehicles produce zero direct emissions and help to maintain a cleaner airshed for our community.

EV readiness policies address a growing need for residential charging, with the understanding that the majority of charging events take place at home. The advantages to property owners for including EV readiness infrastructure include:

  • Increased revenue generation
  • Reduction of expenses associated with EV charging retrofits
  • Being prepared for current and future technology shifts

For more information on electric vehicles in Salt Lake City, visit our Electrified Transportation page.

Additional Resources

Salt Lake City Sustainability staff gave a presentation on October 14, 2020 to the local development community and related stakeholder groups. You can access the presentation slides and other resources by clicking the links below:

If you have feedback or questions on the proposal, please contact City Sustainability staff.

Contact | Peter Nelson at or 801-535-6477.