Salt Lake City


Contact SLCgreen (801) 535-6470 |

Pesticide Free SLC

Pesticide Free SLC banner

We encourage city residents to help reduce the amount of chemical pesticides and fertilizer they use.



As part of the Healthy Babies Bright Futures initiative, Salt Lake City received a grant in 2017 to support public education around chemical reduction. A common source of chemical exposure is through pesticides (including herbicides, rodenticide, insecticide, and fungicide) and chemical lawn fertilizer use. Therefore, Salt Lake City’s Sustainability Department partnered with Beyond Pesticides to create a public resource guide to encourage residents to adopt a less toxic approach to pest management and lawn care.

Why be pesticide free?

Almost everyone wants a lush, green lawn and an attractive, pest-free garden. Unfortunately, in order to achieve this goal many people resort to using harsh chemical fertilizers and pesticides. While these products are effective in accomplishing their purposes, they are not without impact.

Most fertilizers and pesticides currently on the market are made with harmful chemicals that, even when used properly, affect not only human health, but the health of our environment.

Luckily, there are great cost-effective and proven natural alternatives that can help you achieve a healthy and beautiful yard without chemicals.

Salt Lake City’s Efforts

Salt Lake City uses Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods for land care on the majority of its parks. (See SLC’s Noxious and Invasive Management Plan here).

Under the Pesticide Free initiative, and with the financial support of Healthy Babies Bright Futures and Stonyfield, the Public Lands Department tested organic land care methods at several parks:

  • In 2017, Salt Lake City began testing organic management methods at Laird and Madsen parks.
  • In 2019, Public Lands began testing organic methods at two fields at the Regional Athletic Complex and one field at Westpointe Park.

Results: Please read more on our pilot page to learn about the status and future of Salt Lake City turf management practices.

The pilot wrapped up in 2021. Please reach out to Public Lands with questions about their current landscaping practices at

You can join us!

Watch the recorded workshop Salt Lake City hosted with Beyond Pesticides and Osborne Organics here: