Salt Lake City


Contact SLCgreen (801) 535-6470 |

Bulk Waste Collection: Call 2 Haul

C2H logo transparent

Salt Lake City offers Call 2 Haul for large bulky items that don’t fit or belong in your weekly curbside containers, like old furniture, mattresses, appliances, refrigerators, tires, electronic waste, and bulky green waste.

Call 2 Haul

  • Call 2 Haul is for Salt Lake City residents who receive waste collection services from the Salt Lake City Waste & Recycling Division. 
  • This includes single-family homes and most duplexes and triplexes. 
  • The service is available year-round.
  • New in July 2021! Residents may now request two Call 2 Haul collections per calendar year: one for bulky items, and one for green waste. Both are scheduled by you with our team.
  • New in July 2021! Want to host a neighborhood event? Up to 20 households can now schedule a neighborhood collection event either for bulky items or green waste.

  • Please see below for important guidelines on the volume and types of items that are accepted through Call 2 Haul.

How to Use Call 2 Haul

Click the accordion menus for instructions, volume limits, and accepted items.

Call 2 Haul Instructions

  • Determine what type of bulk items or green waste you would like to have collected by the City.
    • You can schedule a bulk item collection or green waste only collection. One of each is allowed per customer per year. Please ensure they align with the accepted items listed below. 
  • Locate your Salt Lake City Public Utilities account number or request it from your landlord. (Need help with this? Call us at 801-535-6953)
  • Use the online form, call 801-535-6953 (Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), or email to request a pick-up. (Haga clic aquí para la versión en español)
  • We’ll let you know the next available collection dates. Pick the one that works best for you! If you fill out the Call 2 Haul online collection request form, we’ll send you your date via email.
  • Once you receive your confirmation date from the City, put your waste on the parking strip or curb to be collected. Note: Item(s) cannot be placed on the curb more than 24 hours in advance of your confirmed date. (Special accommodations can be provided on a case-by-case basis. Please discuss your needs with us in your request).
  • That’s it! We’ll collect your item(s) on your scheduled day and recycle, compost, or dispose of it appropriately.
  • Have an additional item to add? Please let us know by calling 801-535-6953 or emailing Why you ask?
    • We use different trucks to collect recyclable vs. landfilled items and this helps us ensure proper routing.
    • We need to know the volume of material you have so we can schedule the appropriate number of collections that day.

Scheduling a Group Pickup?

  • We now allow residents to request a collection with neighbors (new as of July 2021!)
  • Up to 20 contiguous homes may participate.
  • Pick a neighborhood point person to contact our team, request the pickup, and help provide instructions to your neighbors.
  • All participating house numbers must be given to our Call 2 Haul staff when scheduling.
  • Choose either a bulk item pickup or a green waste-only pickup.
  • Material set-out guidelines must be followed (see below for further directions).
  • Your items must be placed in front of your own home. No group piles are permitted.
  • A group pickup counts toward your annual individual Call 2 Haul bulk item or green waste pickups.

Material Set-Out Guidelines

Call 2 Haul Pickup Information

C2H guidelines for piles - 4 feet high by 4 feet deep by 8 feet wide.

Standards for Item Collection

  • Collection pile size should be approximately 8 feet wide, 4 feet deep and 4 feet high. This is about the size of a pickup truck bed or an SUV full of material.
  • If you have a larger volume of material for disposal, please take your items directly to the Landfill or use a private hauler.
  • Separate material and avoid stacking breakable items. 
  • When possible, leave 10 feet of open space on either side of your items.
  • Place your items at least 5 feet away from fire hydrants, trees, poles, mailboxes, and walls.
  • Please do not block sidewalks, driveways, or other traffic infrastructure.


  • Place items out for collection no more than 24 hours prior to your scheduled collection date.
    • If you require special accommodations please give us a call at 801-535-6953.
  • Pickup time varies day to day, but you can expect your collection to be picked up between 7 a.m – 2 p.m.
  • If your pickup is missed, contact Call 2 Haul at Salt Lake City Waste & Recycling Division at (801) 535-6953.

Materials Accepted

Bulk Item Only Collection


Large, bulky items such as furniture, mattresses, and appliances.

  • Refrigerators and other coolant-containing appliances are accepted. We’ll safely remove the coolant and recycle the metal.
  • Make sure refrigerator doors are removed or taped/ belted shut before being placed out for pickup.
  • All household appliances like ranges, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, hot water heaters, etc. are accepted.
  • Lawnmowers that are emptied of gas and oil, barbecue grills, exercise equipment, etc. are accepted.  
  • Carpet and pad rolled into 5 foot lengths and bound is accepted.
Old couch

Furniture & Metal

  • Please donate usable items where possible.
  • Sofas, couches, chairs, desks, tables, bed frames, bookshelves, large children’s toys and equipment, and other similar items are accepted.
  • Doors and cabinets are accepted.
  • Filing cabinets, scrap metal, pipes, shelving units, and similar items are accepted.

Electronic waste such as TVs, computers, printers, scanners, monitors, mobile phones, stereo & video equipment, small kitchen appliances, etc.

Electronic waste is one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the U.S. It’s important to keep it out of landfills where it can leach toxins into the environment. The valuable metals in electronic waste can also be used for new items, reducing the amount of virgin material that is mined or produced. If it has a plug, it is likely electronic waste that is accepted. Please contact us with questions at or 801-535-6953.



  • Mattresses, box springs, and bed foundations are all accepted.
  • Please keep mattresses clean and dry. Soiled or wet mattresses cannot be recycled but will be landfilled. Clean mattresses will be recycled at Springback.
Bike tires

Up to four (4) automobile tires and bicycle tires and tubes

  • Let us recycle your tires!
  • NO large truck tires are accepted.
  • Remove bicycle tires and tubes from the wheel. Bicycle wheels can still be set out separately, and will go to a different location for recycling.
glass door

Glass items

  • Please ensure glass items like doors with glass, TVs, computers, and other fragile items are visible and containerized if possible, to prevent breakage and ensure safety for Call 2 Haul operators and street users.

Long loose items

  • Long loose items such as lumber, window blinds, pipes, brooms and mops no longer than 5 feet in length and weighing no more than 60 pounds.
Miscellaneous boxes

Small, miscellaneous items should go into your weekly containers.

  • Otherwise, a large volume of small items needs to be in a box or bag, with a maximum weight of 60 pounds per bag or box. Please keep miscellaneous trash off the street.

Green Waste Only Collection

Brush and branches.

Green waste that is up to 24 inches in diameter. Larger stumps are not accepted.

  • Green waste must be cut to no longer than 5 feet in length to fit into our compactor. 
  • Please bundle if possible. It is important to keep loose debris off the street and out of the gutters.
  • Note: Trees in the park strip are City trees. It is unlawful to alter, remove, or prune City-owned trees for disposal through Call 2 Haul or any time of the year. Instead, please contact Salt Lake City Urban Forestry at (801) 972-7818 to submit a request for SLC’s professional arborists to service your park strip trees.
tree limbs

Brush and bushes cut to no longer than 5 feet in length, piled 4 feet high are accepted.

  • When possible, bushes and brush should be cut and placed in the brown compost containers. We’ll discuss your unique needs when you call to schedule your collection.
  • If needed, you can request 1-2 additional brown compost containers for a large volume of miscellaneous green waste items, such as hedge trimmings, leaves, or bushes.
  • Otherwise, schedule your green waste only pickup for brush, bushes, or tree limbs.

Materials Not Accepted

Materials Not Accepted

Call 2 haul is not a pile program

Call 2 Haul is not a “pile” program. Rather, it is for disposing of large, bulky items.

  • Loose, small items are not permitted unless bagged or boxed.
dirt rock sod

No amount of dirt, sod, rocks, concrete, or asphalt is permitted.

  • These loose, heavy items should be fed into your weekly garbage container. Only fill your curbside container 25% full with these items at a time to avoid breaking it. Alternatively, a private hauler may be used.
stump size limitations to one foot

Tree stumps or trees over 12 inches in diameter are not permitted.

  • Please use a private hauler for this material.

Loose green waste: Please use your weekly container for this material.

  • Loose green waste such as leaves and grass that can wash down the storm drains is not permitted on the curb or street. If you have a large volume of loose green waste, please request extra compost containers (available in addition to your annual Call 2 Haul collection).



Construction material is not permitted.

  • This includes drywall, plaster, fencing, trim and lumber longer than 5 feet, flooring, and other construction material.
  • Private haulers should be contacted for construction/demolition debris or large clean-out projects.


broken glass

Broken Glass

  • Containerize glass items to prevent breakage and to ensure safety.
  • Broken glass items and debris will not be picked up.

Household Hazardous Waste, such as paints, pesticides, oil, fluorescent lights, and other chemicals are not permitted through Call 2 Haul.

  • For more information on how to dispose of these items, call Salt Lake County at (385) 468-3862 or visit the Household Hazardous Waste website for disposal locations.
  • Attend an upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection event.


flammable materials are not allowed in call 2 haul collection

Flammable or explosive material, such as aerosol cans, gas cans, propane tanks, etc. are not permitted through the Call 2 Haul program.

  • Call your local fire station for disposal information, or call the Salt Lake County Health Department at (385) 468-3862.

Call 2 Haul Benefits

  • Scheduling flexibility from January – December. Residents receive two collections per year, one for bulky waste and one for green waste — when they choose!
  • Electronic waste recycling
  • Tire recycling
  • Easy and responsible disposal of Freon-containing appliances such as refrigerators, mini-fridges, and wall-mounted air conditioning units
  • Mattress & box springs recycling
  • Easy disposal of large appliances and other items that cannot be donated.
  • Extra compost cans available year-round help with green waste

Donate Where Possible

It’s possible that some of your items, like furniture or appliances, may be fit for donation. We encourage you to explore our Resources page and consider donating suitable items to a non-profit or listing them online for free on neighborhood forums.

A New Bulk Waste Program

Learn more about why Salt Lake City changed the Neighborhood Cleanup program to Call 2 Haul.

By the Numbers

How does Call 2 Haul stack up?

Check out the sustainability metrics we achieved in the fourth full year of the program (July 2021 – June 2022).

In addition, Call 2 Haul is a more efficient program than the prior Neighborhood Cleanup service, which required more trips to the Landfill with heavy duty vehicles. With the switch from Neighborhood Cleanup to Call 2 Haul in 2018, roughly 56 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions are eliminated each year, including 5,500 gallons of diesel saved and 22,000 miles avoided.

We appreciate your feedback, suggestions & questions.

Please email or call Salt Lake City’s Waste & Recycling team at (801) 535-6953. Se habla español.