Salt Lake City


Contact SLCgreen (801) 535-6470 |

Food Policy Council

The Salt Lake City Food Policy Council (previously the Food Policy Task Force) is an advisory body that identifies policy and program opportunities and makes recommendation to the City of Salt Lake on how to create a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient community food system. This includes identifying opportunities for:

  • improving access to healthy, affordable, and culturally appropriate food for all Salt Lake residents
  • advancing racial justice and social equity in the food system
  • reducing food waste
  • growing more food locally by supporting backyard and community gardening
  • expanding urban farming and preserving regional farmland
  • reducing the climate and ecological impact of our food system, and
  • strengthening SLC’s food economy by supporting local farmers, food workers, and food entrepreneurs

The Food Policy Council (FPC) is made up of a diverse group of individuals who represent multiple sectors of the food system, including but not limited to production, processing, distribution, retail, consumption, access, nutrition, and waste.

Learn More About the Council

Community Food Assessment

To help make relevant and practical decisions about Salt Lake City’s future, Salt Lake City embarked on a project to look at challenges and opportunity for a more sustainable local food system. Learn more about the Community Food Assessment.

Community Gardening & Urban Farming

  • Revised Ordinances Making It Easier to Raise Chickens and Bees

  • Community Gardening & Urban Farming

  • Sustainable Code Revision Project

  • SLC FruitShare Program

  • Curbside Composting Program

We’d Love to Hear from You!

Tell us your food concerns at