Salt Lake City


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Upgrade Your Property and Save on Energy Costs

Salt Lake City has opted into the Utah C-PACE financing program!

The C-PACE program makes full financing options available to businesses and multi-family rental properties that have long-term repayment options. This program was designed to help businesses afford the upgrades needed for energy efficiency, install renewable energy systems, and help improve Utah’s air quality while reducing their carbon footprint.

The Utah C-PACE program is supported by the Governor’s Office of Energy Development and will connect you with a local administrator who will walk you through the process.

The upgrades can range from window replacements to solar panels, or low flow toilets to efficient hot water systems. Past applicants have funded everything from furnace replacements to complete geothermal systems. These are just a few examples of the type of upgrades the program can finance and there are links below to connect you with more information.

Quick Links:

Program Brochure For Property Owners

Utah C-PACE resource page

Property Owner FAQs

Visit the C-PACE District website.