These signs are provided to the community as a courtesy. Please note that if your home or business does not have Salt Lake City as its waste hauler, you may have slightly different recycling guidelines around accepted plastics and mixed paper. Check with your hauler to verify!

What Can You Recycle?
Recycling signage for what is and is not accepted in Salt Lake City’s blue recycling bins, for use in homes, offices, and businesses. Updated July 2019.
The poster is available in two printable sizes:
- Click here for 8.5″ x 14″ (en español)
- Click here for 8.5″ x 11″ (en español)

Simple Recycling Sign
Recycling signage for what is and is not accepted in Salt Lake City’s blue recycling bins, for use in homes, offices, and businesses. Updated July 2019.
Click here for the printable sign (en español).

Private Event Signage
Are you hosting a party or fundraiser? For small events, the only recyclable materials are generally aluminum cans, water bottles, and empty plastic cups (remember to also provide an ice and liquid dumping station). This set of signs has you taken care of! Updated July 2019.
Click here for the printable signs for small events (includes single-stream recycling sign, glass sign, and garbage sign)
Are you planning a larger, public event? Check out our Special Events page for additional resources and to learn about City waste permitting requirements.

Curbside Compost
Click the link below for a printable sign with information about what does and doesn’t belong in your curbside compost bin.
The full sign is available here.

Plastic Bags & Film Handout
The number one contaminant in single-stream recycling programs is plastic film (plastic bags, case wrap, sandwich bags, salt bags, garden dirt bags, etc). Click here for the full handout (en español).
Other Resources
Salt Lake City’s Business & Multi-Family Recycling Ordinance.
- How to Implement a Business or Multi-Family Recycling Program Toolkit
- Business & Multi-Family Recycling Case Studies
Salt Lake City’s Special Events Waste Management page.