Salt Lake City

Human Resources

Phone: (801) 535-7900

Long Term Disability

Long Term Disability

Long Term Disability

Salt Lake City’s Long-Term Disability Insurance (LTD) plan is administered by The Hartford

LTD disability provides a benefit of 662/3% of your base monthly salary as long as you meet the provider’s criteria OR their ‘test of disability.’ Find the Test of Disability in each policy detail below.

All Policies

  • Your monthly LTD benefit will begin after a 90 day elimination period from the date of disability.
  • Monthly non-taxable benefit is 662/3% of monthly salary (taxable for City premium paid plans for Police and Fire).
  • LTD benefit is reduced when you receive income from other sources (i.e., Social Security, retirement, etc.).
  • While receiving disability, your medical & life premiums are eligible for a partial or full premium waiver for a period of time. Contact Kate Blackwood for more information (801-535-6303).
  • Certain conditions have an LTD benefit limit of 24 months – see the full LTD policy for details.
  • URS service credit continues to accrue while receiving SDI or LTD benefits and if permanently disabled, LTD benefit may continue until you meet URS retirement eligibility as long as you meet the Test of Disability.

Full Policy Details

City Employees covered under URS Tiers 1 & 2

  • The Hartford LTD enrollment is automatic and paid for by the City for all benefit eligible employees. See Policy Details

City Employees covered under URS Tier 1 Firefighter

  • Tier 1 Fire: The Hartford LTD enrollment is automatic and paid for by the City for all benefit eligible employees. See Policy Details
  • Tier 1 Fire: URS Disability Retirement, See Policy Details

City Employees covered under URS Tier 2 Firefighter

  • Tier 2 Fire: PEHP LTD is provided to all Tier 2 Firefighters and paid in full through the City’s pension contribution, See Policy Details

City Employees covered under URS Tiers 1 & 2 Public Safety

  • The Hartford LTD is provided at no cost to police officers hired AFTER 1986: See Policy Details
  • The Hartford LTD is provided at no cost to police officers hired PRIOR TO 1986: See Policy Details

Call The Hartford at 303-645-8680 to file your long-term disability claim.