If you need help in paying your monthly Public Utilities bill
Public Utilities, in partnership with the Salt Lake City Chapter of the Salvation Army (which administers the program), offers Project Water ASSIST for qualifying Salt Lake City customers who need financial aid with their utility bills. For assistance, a customer must qualify at 150 percent of poverty level and/or have a family member who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Is age 60 or older
- Is disabled
- Qualifies for the Salt Lake County Tax Abatement Program
For additional information, or to apply for this program, call: Salt Lake City Chapter of the Salvation Army at 801-969-0526 or Salt Lake City Public Utilities at 801-483-6900.
Customer support of this program is vital to its success. Customers may elect to donate through a checkoff box on the monthly bill. Thank you for your support.
For more information on Salvation Army support for Project Water ASSIST, please visit here.