Salt Lake City

Public Utilities

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Water Conservation Plan 2020

Water Conservation Plan 2020

Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities has updated its water conservation plan. Working with Bowen Collins & Associates, Inc., the Department has prepared this Plan in accordance with the State of Utah Conservation Plan Act 73-10-003200, as well as under guidelines outlined in the American Water Works Association Manual M52: Water Conservation Programs and the State’s Regional Conservation Goals.

At its simplest, water conservation is the effort of learning to use less water while maintaining quality-of-life standards do more with less, not doing without. There are many reasons to conserve water, and for a community, it makes sense to plan that conservation effort. Planning helps:

  • quantify water supply, assess historical demand, and establish appropriate goals
  • ensure that water conservation programs are adequate to achieve established goals
  • communicates complex issues that affect short- and long-term conservation efforts
  • convey the need to conserve, identify tools and resources, and builds a shared purpose that motives us all to achieve the desired, and necessary, conservation goals.

The Conservation Plan:

  • Provides information regarding current and future water supply and water demand.
  • Analyzes historical water use.
  • Establishes 5-, 10-, and 40-year water conservation goals to ensure that our precious and limited water resources meet our needs now and into the future.

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Recorded: Townhall Presentation of Conservation Plan

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