As part of Salt Lake City Public Utilities’ commitment to robust public outreach on our many capital improvement projects, we have just published a thorough assessment of the 4th Avenue Well’s condition, and an analysis of alternatives (link to “updates” in the menu bar) to the proposal for building a pump house on the site. The current well, which sits underground and produces up to 7 million gallons of high-quality drinking water a day, has become a serious safety issue for our workers. The well must meet new state safety codes that require bringing the equipment above ground. Having engaged regularly with residents living near the well for more than a year, SLCPU met their requests to commission a study of alternatives to the proposed pump house for the site at 4th Avenue and Canyon Road near downtown Salt Lake City. The analysis, by the independent Salt Lake City water engineering firm of Hansen Allen & Luce, provides pros and cons of various scenarios, including leaving the well as is, building a pump house on the site as proposed, or moving the well to another location.
Tags: 4th Avenue Well, public health, public outreach, water quality, water stewardship, worker safety