Check out our new “Make it Pure” Site
Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities’ new Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) will replace the current plant at 1365 West 2300 North in Salt Lake City. This new sewage treatment facility will be one of the largest infrastructure improvements in our city for decades. It will be designed and built as a model project—highly sustainable, with educational aspects for the public and constructed to the highest environmental standards.
Engineering and architectural design, along with public outreach has begun on the facility. The plant is projected to cost $700 million over a 5-year construction period. The new treatment plant is needed to comply with state water quality standards enacted in 2016 that require additional removal of phosphorus in the sewage treatment process. This requirement further protects water quality and the environment. Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities must complete the new treatment plant by January 1, 2025 to comply with these regulatory requirements.
The current plant is the City’s only sewage treatment facility. At nearly 55 years old, it is reaching the end of its useful life, which is also a factor driving the construction of a new plant. The current plant will continue uninterrupted operations during construction.
The Operations group is responsible for meeting the Utah Pollution Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) permit. To accomplish this, the Operations group works several different shifts 24 hours a day seven days a week to ensure that equipment and processes are operating in accordance with established industrial practices.
Jose Rubalcaba
Operations Manager
Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities
Water Reclamation Facility
2020 N Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Office: 801-799-4080
Cell: 385-445-1699
The Maintenance Staff supplies support to the City and its residents by maintaining all of the equipment used to properly treat the wastewater and keeping the facility in regulatory compliance.
Daniel Johnson
Maintenance Manager
Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities Water Reclamation
2020 N Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Office: 801-799-4019
Cell: 801-243-0233
The Water Reclamation Administration Office provides value to our customers, our community, and all Water Reclamation programs through timely communications, accurate reporting, and cheerful service.
Robert Duree
Business Manager
Salt Lake City Public Utilities
Water Reclamation Facility
2020 N Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Office: 801-799-4004
Cell: 801-691-3647
The Salt Lake City Corporation’s (City) pretreatment program oversees wastewater discharged by businesses and others into the City’s sanitary sewer system (i.e., publicly owned treatment works; POTW). The requirement for sewer users to reduce or eliminate conventional and toxic pollutants in their wastewater, prior to discharge into the POTW is regulated under the Clean Water Act – Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 40 Part 403, Utah Administrative Code R317-8-8, and Salt Lake City Code Chapters 17.32, 17.36, 17.52, 17.68 and 17.69.
Visit Wastewater Pretreatment for more information.
Terrence Price
Water Reclamation Regulatory Compliance Manager
Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities Water Reclamation
2020 N Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Phone: 801-799-4041
Cell: 801-673-2607
-The Salt Lake City Water Reclamation Facility Laboratory takes pride in maintaining our NELAC certification. We are dedicated to generate reliable, accurate and prompt analytical data to our customers. Our goal is to deliver this essential service in a manner that is safe, dependable and sensitive to the needs of our customers. Our long term goal is to be ranked first amongst wastewater laboratories and establish a progressive career track which recognizes and rewards professional proficiency and experience.
-The SLCWRF laboratory provides the Reclamation Facility accurate and timely data for both permit and process control purposes.
-The SLCWRF laboratory provides quality wastewater data in a timely manner.
SLCWRF Laboratory Goals/Vision
a. Maintain our NELAC/TNI certification.
b. Advance the laboratory through adding more varied analyses (such as adding Hach TNT chemistries) and as the laboratory expands in the offered scope of analyses and/or the demand of our services increases, the laboratory staff will adjust or must increase at some point.
c. Creating a complete career track, including the position of Senior Chemist and pay scale parity with fellow chemists and laboratory program managers. Provide ample room for growth and recognize and reward individual contributions.
d. Maintain a united and input-based Team internally as a laboratory, and externally be a united team with operations and support personnel to problem-solve and develop new/better ways to improve the facility.
e. Reduce waste and improve efficiencies.
f. Provide regular training to sharpen and develop our skills.
g. Take pride in our work and having fun doing it!
Cas Knies, MPH
Laboratory Manager
Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities Water Reclamation
2020 N Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Office: 801-799-4040
Cell: 801-608-5897